What to do with my free time? Read and paint, read and paint. That's my plan...A painting a day. Yesterday, I got those two out. I love them and I walked right into this fancy schmancy restaurant and said, "Hey, you have an open wall right there and I have just the paintings to fill it." And I showed them and now the paintings are up and out in the public. Kinda cool.
I painted the above painting today. Well, I started it late last night and finished it this evening. It's actually quite large and inspired from a photograph I took two years ago of one of my favorite couples. Since I have no romance in my life at present, painting "love" seems to be perfect food to feed and fill my romantic needs.
I liked it so much (it's quite large, about 16x20) that I put it up over my favorite antique (a dresser I've had since my birth...though it dates back much farther.) What do you think?
This one is smaller, but of the same couple. It's a 10 x12 with gouche (just black and ash blue). I love the comic book feel of it and the way her face turned out. Very sexy.

Wow your paintings are beautiful D'Arcy! I love that your artwork is hanging in the restaurant. Congratulations are in order.
Much love from NJ,
Props to you for marching into that restaurant and suggesting your paintings! That's awesome. :)
Also, I love this second one with the comic book feel. I agree it's very sexy. ;)
Love these. A painting a day, woohoo!
If you want prompts you can go to inspiremethursday.com or illustrationfriday.com or thursdaysweettreat.blogspot.com
I can't believe that you just walked into that place and told them to put your paintings up. My first cafe/restaurant show was in a cafe that I worked in. They put me in charge of picking the art because the owner just put whatever crap up and I had to look at it all day.
It was very cool to see my own work up in a public space.
Very romantic, very beautiful. You are so talented.
i love these, the second one especially!
Thanks ladies! I mean, I don't really even know of anyone actually selling paintings from a restaurant, but it's just cool to think of my paintings out there and being seen. I am trying to remember why I do this, it's expensive, I dont really make any money and it's time consuming, but then after I've created something, it just fills some part of me. Can't explain.
Beautiful! I like them both but especially like the 2nd one. We have a cute coffeeshop in town as well as an Italian restaurant and they both hand multiple pieces from the same artist . . . for sale. When are you visiting again? It's small town America here!
I like them all but the last one is super cool. Her face is absolutely divine.
Simply beautiful! How cool about having your pictures up at a restaurant...all because you had the courage to go in there and ask! I am so proud of you!!!!
PS Enjoy your break!
Bravo, D'Arcy - these are really really beautiful!
Let me know which place you went to, so I can go and bring people there and show off that I know the artist personally!
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