Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hello July

Here's a little poem I composed while sitting by a fire escape in Harlem this week.

Sing the Sing-Song Silence of wind.
Bliss the crisp Willow Snap Sound of heat.
Suck the gushing juices of a Ripe Mango day.
Soak in the sultry, hazy fog of a Harlem Moon.

Peel the woven layers of a too much Cloud in Clothes.
Smack the Fleshy tones of a too Slick, Slip skin.
Dab the Droplets of an Hour in the indie sailed Ship.
Shhh the dragonfly winged thoughts and Kiss Them asleep.


jo said...

oh. my. heavenly days.
this poem is so good, d'arcy. i hate saying good because that's not enough. but it is good.
i love your imagery, the senses that you evoke.
it's amazing.
get it published.

Unknown said...

Thank you!!!

Honestly this means a whole lot to me because I thought that poetry was the one place I could just never go and create anything worth while. Growing up my best friend was this AMAZING poet and I knew I couldn't compete, so I never really even tried. It's just been the past three months really that I have tried to capture some things in a poem.

This one might only make sense to me, but I really liked it, so knowing you do too is sweet!

Rowena said...

Now that is a jazz poem. You were really feeling harlem, weren'tyou?

Alisa said...

This is a poem with such delicious words, I had to read them out loud to Kevin so we could relish the music of them! The thoughts are so vivid and magical. Truly amazing. I can see it accompanied by visuals (photos? watercolors?). I see a book forming...

Thank you for sharing this. It is truly great. I am serious when I say that I hope this is a hint of more poetry to come!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rowena and Alisa. Coming from two such poets and artists as yourselves, it means a lot. I think poetry is the hardest art form for me to put out there. But this has been a pretty painless experience, so thanks!!

Unknown said...

And yeah, Harlem and D'Arcy, we bond together quite tightly.

HWHL said...

Love that D'Arcy.... really really good, girlfriend.

Thank you for sharing that with us ground-dwellers. :-)

I'm going to copy/paste/print and tack it up on the wall in my office when I need a pick-me-up. :-)

Due props will be given, I can assure you. :-)

Gustav said...

Cool poem D'Arcy - your wealth lies between your ears.

Marie said...

Lovely! A bit cummings/Hopkinsesque.

Do you think that visitors have more poetic eyes than residents? I read something by Bob Dylan lately to that effect -- that he wouldn't have been as good a poet about things he saw often -- it was his transient lifestyle that made his writing possible.

So does that doom rooted people to a prosaic life? That it's impossible to truly see and celebrate things that are overfamiliar?

Maybe I need to stop thinking and take a trip! I will try to write an ode to Seattle next month....

Anonymous said...

I love this! You are so in tune with yourself, and your senses.

A very sensual, literally. Thank you for sharing it.